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Edina, the new back office support

Get to know the new addition to our back office team better in this interview. Edina will take up her position as back office employee on 2 March.

What made you decide to work at linkyard?

I saw the advertised position in the back office and immediately applied for the job after viewing the company profile on the website. I was looking for a part-time job in the back office and I liked the company profile of linkyard very much.

In which function do you work at linkyard and how will your work look like?

My function is back office staff.

The focus of my work will be on the management of accounts receivable and accounts payable. However, I will also take on other tasks. Above all, I will provide administrative support, manage the material, make orders, help to organize meetings, etc.

What are you looking forward to most about working at linkyard?

I am especially happy that I will have the chance to re-enter the business and learn a lot of new things. But also to be able to apply what I have forgotten and to be challenged again. I am also looking forward to working independently - hopefully soon - and being able to organize my own work.

Describe your background.

The short version:

I attended an office management and business school and worked for several years at Credit Suisse as a payment transaction clerk, where my main task was to process domestic and foreign payment orders. Afterwards I worked for four years at the Road Traffic Office in Berne, in the department for administrative measures in road traffic (ADMAS). There I was responsible for the implementation of measures together with two colleagues in a team of lawyers. I prepared the files for the lawyers, administered the confiscated driving licences and managed the archive.

During this time, I founded the courier company 7day-express together with my life partner, where I was responsible for the entire administration. From time to time I also helped out with the delivery.

Unfortunately I had to close the 7day-express in summer 2018 for economic reasons.

How would you describe yourself in one sentence?

I am optimistic and a fighter

Why are sinkhole covers round?

Because you can roll them like that? :-)