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linkyard is Atlassian Gold Partner

Atlassian has awarded linkyard the rank of a Gold Partner in the Atlassian Solution Partner Program. linkyard is planning a further expansion in the enterprise segment. Our strategy to position ourselves as an important partner in DevOps projects is bearing fruit. Just in time before the end of our first business year - quasi as a small Christmas present - Atlassian raises us to the rank of a Gold Solution Partner. By fulfilling the demanding requirements for the Gold Partnership, we have reached an important milestone for us. linkyard's extensive customer list includes SMEs with 100 employees or more as well as large corporations - including several industry leaders - which form the majority and thus a clear focus. In the coming business year, our focus will therefore be on the further systematic, qualitative expansion of our existing services for the enterprise sector. As a specialist in complex system integration, high-availability software solutions, eGovernment and secure identity and access management, we have central core competencies and intend to integrate these even more strongly into our range of services. Several extensions are already on the home stretch of implementation and will be announced and introduced step by step in the coming months. Stay tuned...