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Bitbucket as linkyard Cloud Service

Are you putting a lot of effort into maintaining your software development infrastructure instead of building valuable software? We make sure that developers can really put their scarce time into software. To that end, we're next adding Atlassian's source code "as-a-Service" offer with Atlassian's source code management system Bitbucket.

Our software offering in the linkyard cloud gets another important component for software teams with Bitbucket-as-a-Service. The first customers are already productive and we can offer the usual high quality, security and automation for Bitbucket.

As usual with our cloud offerings, licensing, maintenance renewal, regular software updates and incident management are included in the operating fee. You can also choose between various SLA packages and backup plans, security and performance are important to us. Hard disk encryption, two-factor authentication, connection to the single sign-on etc. are regularly implemented. Bitbucket is operated in the EU or Switzerland, on request for companies with internationally distributed teams also georedundant at other locations in the USA or Asia.

Are you interested? Just get in touch with us:, 078 746 51 16.