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Our new IT controller enjoys motorcycle trips and camper trips

What is your role at Linkyard and what will your work look like?

I work in the back office to strengthen personnel in the area of creditors and debtors. It is also expected that I will also contribute my ideas for continuous improvement to administrative and support processes and contribute to the development of linkyard. I am particularly looking forward to working in a wide variety of teams and constellations.

Describe your career path

I am a Bernese child, went to school and grew up in Bümpliz.

Growing up in a family business, I was born with a lot of entrepreneurial blood. After completing my commercial training in a travel agency, I later trained at WISS as a computer science project manager in the direction of computer science.

Thanks to many years of experience, additional training (ITIL, SGO, Hermes, Cobit) and autodidactics, I was able to work in various roles (IT-PL, Head of ITC, Consulting, QM, Controlling) in the areas of administration, SMEs, public transport, associations. I'm not a developer. In addition to project management, I have recently been increasingly concerned with the topic of organizational and process development. “Computer science organizer” therefore seems to me to be a job title that applies very well to me.

Just ask me if there's anything else you're interested in.

What do you enjoy about your free time?

I like people and I also love animals without having to own one myself. I prefer to spend my free time surrounded by good friends and girlfriends, enjoy fine food and good wine and from time to time also concerts (folk, rock). I like mountains, forests and water. Motorcycle trips and trips by motorbike, as well as traveling by camper, are a particular passion. In addition, I also ski and sail from time to time (e.g. on Lake Thun).

Why is water wet?

Because dry water does not work well?