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New member of the management board and sister company for consulting

linkyard runs an IT solutions business and, in parallel, a consulting business. Both business areas have consistently developed solidly. Consulting is now being further expanded by our new addition Marcel Hostettler and transferred to a sister company. However, nothing significant is changing for our existing customers.

Since its founding, linkyard has won around 100 customers throughout the German-speaking region. Annual sales growth compared to the previous year is once again well over 50% in 2019. Both the solution business and the consulting business have developed very successfully and have the critical mass and profitability that they can also survive in the market independently. We also currently see no signs that growth in either of the two business areas will slow down any time soon.

Time and again, our customers attest to our uncomplicated cooperation, excellent delivery quality and excellent support. We are convinced that these are the most important success factors for us so that we can continue to serve our very loyal customers. Our team will continue to expand in 2020, and the first corresponding announcements will follow shortly. In order to create the best possible organizational conditions for both the solution business and consulting over the next few years, we are making two changes.

Founding of a holding company and a consulting subsidiary

In the next few weeks, we are founding two new companies. As a first step, Linkyard Group AG is founded. As a pure holding company without its own operating business, this will be the first to take over the shares of Linkyard AG, which have so far been privately held by the partners. Shortly thereafter, she will also found Linkyard Consulting AG as a new subsidiary. The new holding company Linkyard Group AG will also remain fully owned by Linkyard partners, just like Linkyard AG before.

This structural adjustment simplifies the internal, organizational complexity of two combined and somewhat differently functioning business models for us. This allows us to continue to provide our highly self-organized teams and employees with the necessary basis for decision-making on all relevant aspects of the business process in an understandable way and to reduce dependencies, or at least make them clearly identifiable.

Expanding our management with a new partner

We are further expanding our management team with Marcel Hostettler. He has many years of experience in consulting and has previously worked as an account manager and member of a management board. He becomes our partner and takes over the management of our consulting business as managing director of linkyard consulting ag.

As sole owners, the partners jointly form the boards of directors of all companies. Even after the change, the LinkYard group of companies is fully financed by the owners and is debt-free.

No significant impact on our customers

It is very important to us to implement this change without disrupting our customers. By unbundling, we are simplifying our internal, administrative structures per business area. The linkyard family will remain under one roof and continue to present an uncomplicated and holistic appearance to the outside world.

We do not want to make any adjustments when working with customers. We fulfill all existing contracts unchanged. At best, depending on the type of project, Linkyard Consulting AG will increasingly act as a formal contractual partner for new consulting offers, although we do not strive for a dogmatic separation and handle this in a very pragmatic way. All linkyard employees will continue to be employed in all areas of business and will remain the point of contact for “all things linkyard”.

We wish all our customers a successful year and look forward to further cooperation.