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The linkyard Chronicle 2020 - we look back

Digitalization of processes right up to the front

While digitization in offices is constantly progressing, we still see great, untapped potential among employees at the breast. Whether on the construction site, in the field, in production or at sales points: Employees outside of an office job are still far too little integrated into the flow of information and electronic processes. Unser Solution portfolio will be significantly more mobilized in 2021 and more closely integrated with other systems.

Home office: here to stay

Everyone should have learned how to conduct a video conference last year. Some things were difficult. However, many things have proven so successful that many organizations will no longer fully return to the way they worked before the pandemic. 2021 will therefore be the year of consolidation. The emergency measures implemented at short notice must be transferred to normal operation. Classic management by objectives or command & control management systems are no longer appropriate to lead distributed teams and team members. With the Objectives & Key Results Method we support organizations in strengthening targeted, independent action.

New IT risks require modern answers

In the area of information security, the classic Security systems that rely heavily on networks sealed off by firewalls are increasingly reaching their limits. The trends towards cloud, bring your own device and home office are simultaneously questioning tried and tested frontends and back-end concepts. Last year, there were project mandates in Risk & IT Security Division and cloud is a prominent focus for us. And regular media reports on successful cyber attacks also suggest that this issue is becoming even more important.

Alternatives to Atlassian server licenses

In autumn, Atlassian surprisingly announced that the server licenses of the popular products Jira, Confluence & Co. were still available until Get 2024 support and then end of life are. Until then, many of our customers will have to think about the future of their affected systems. One of our central concerns is to provide you with the best possible support, no matter which path you choose. We will accompany you at Migrate to the Atlassian cloud Or set your Systems for high-availability operation converted Atlassian Data Center subscriptions. And for customers who don't like the remaining Atlassian options, we provide alternative solutions. With gitlab and Youtrack, we operate new possible replacement solutions for Bitbucket and Jira. And in just a few weeks, we'll also be launching an exciting alternative solution to Confluence. Don't you know what to do next? Then we recommend that you do not rush things and get in touch with us. There is still some time until 2024 and the Atlassian server-based systems do not have to be taken out of service immediately.

Nine new faces at Linkyard

Like everyone else, we had a varied year 2020 with lots of ups and downs. Thanks to loyal customers, flexible employees, some right decisions and a good dose of luck, we made it through the past year without government support. In the area of eGovernment, we were pleased to receive three surcharges for WTO tenders last year. This includes a comprehensive framework agreement to provide project management services for the Federal Administration's strategic projects.

As a result, our team has grown by another nine permanent employees last year. As before, we are focusing on diversity. With 50% of women, well-mixed skills and diverse career paths, we are ready to solve even the most complex problems at any time.

The nine new faces on Linkyard

The Linkyard Chronicle

We have a lot in the pipeline for 2021. We will therefore probably publish this chronicle every quarter over the course of the year so that you always stay up to date.

We wish you exciting projects, all the best and above all good health for the coming year!

Your linkyard team