Critical success factors - Why ICT projects fail
Shows practical stumbling blocks that lead to the failure of ICT projects.
Course dates
Critical success factors - Why ICT projects fail
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What you will learn
In this course, project management principles are taught and practical examples are used to show how to avoid stumbling blocks. In addition to methodological principles, emphasis is placed on the practical experience of our senior project managers. Also, decision-making aids on the choice of the execution methodology are to be given. Therefore, learning curves made are to be communicated to an interested audience. Furthermore, it is planned that questions can be put to the speakers in the sense of an ERFA round.
100.- per participant

Marcel Hostettler
"a compact, customized and interactive training on all core concepts "
Niklaus Hählen
Product Manager & Member of the Executive Board
Product Manager & Member of the Executive Board
"precise, efficient and fast implementation with great expertise"
Magali Stritzelberger,
Senior Payroll Consultant
Senior Payroll Consultant