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Welcome Vanda!

In order to sustain linkyard's continued growth, it was necessary to strengthen our back office. We are pleased to have found a versatile addition in Vanda Mäder.

Linkyard is expected to be able to serve around 100 customers by the end of 2019. The continued market success of our services brings growth, which we want to continue to manage without sacrificing quality. To do this, we are now strengthening our back office.

We are delighted to welcome Vanda Mäder to linkyard. Since the beginning of May, Vanda has been part of linkyard as a Management & Sales Assistant. She is 31 years old and has several years of experience in translation/interpreting, hospitality and sales. She is currently studying IT security via distance learning.

At Linkyard, she will initially focus on quotation management and order processing up to invoicing. Thanks to her diverse interests and abilities and interests, she will also take on other tasks.

She also works as a security consultant for a cybersecurity company. In her private life, she likes to spend time with her family and her little daughter. She goes hiking & swimming with friends in summer and skiing in winter.

We are all looking forward to working together, learning from each other and the joint development of the company.