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Our new professional consultant is an enthusiastic tennis player

What is your role at Linkyard and what will your work look like?

I am employed as a PMO employee/business analyst and will be the first to be responsible for SAP training organization and coordination for a major Linkyard customer.

Describe your career path

After studying business administration with a focus on personnel and organization at the University of Bern, I started as a junior HR SAP consultant at CSC Plönzke (today CSC Switzerland). There I was able to work on the first implementation projects, such as ETH Zurich or DuPont in Geneva. I then moved to Kuoni Switzerland at the SAP Competence Center, as I also wanted to get to know the aspects of SAP after the implementation phase; in addition, the travel benefits as an employee at Kuoni were very lucrative for my younger version, who was very fond of traveling at the time. I then switched back to consulting, where I stayed.

In 2004, I followed my husband to the USA, New Jersey, after a 3-year long-distance relationship. A job at Pecaso LLC. enabled me to gain a foothold in the American consulting market. Pecaso LLC had its origins and parent company in Wiesbaden, Germany, which offered me a perfect mix of European and American working methods, where I was able to work on new implementation, expansion and already optimization and upgrade projects. When Pecaso was acquired by Accenture LLC., the working methods and culture became somewhat different, the projects bigger, the customer names more well-known and the travel distances widened. I was able to work on projects in Wyeth in Philadelphia, Home Depot in Atlanta, Devon in Oklahoma, Xstrata in Toronto, and more.

After becoming a mother and taking 2 years of maternity leave, I returned to Accenture as a consultant. But my focus was no longer on work, but on my family, and so I turned my back on the working world after 1 year and the associated absences from the family. The children/family, volunteer work at my children's schools in the USA and 2 major moves from New Jersey to Texas and from there to Switzerland have kept me more than busy over the last dozen years.

But now back to Switzerland with air conditioning and the luxury of having my parents close by and their help, I am very motivated to return to work part time.

How would you describe yourself in one sentence?

Open, friendly, tolerant and understanding of others, very self-critical and perfectionist about myself.

What do you enjoy about your free time?

Spending time with my family and being able to play tennis as much as possible.

Why is the sky blue?

Because it is a highly optimal contrasting color compared to the world's diverse range of colors? For a more scientific answer, please Google it yourself :-).