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Award-winning open source projects

At the annual DINAcon Digital Sustainability Conference The best Swiss projects in the area of open source and open data are honored every year. We are pleased to note that two projects to which linkyard has contributed were honored this year.

State own developments under open source license

Should the public administration publish its own developments as open source? What is relatively easy for a private market participant to do is much more difficult for the state. The range of many additional questions is extensive: How can the legal mandate for publishing software be derived? What market distortions could result as a result? What liability risks do taxpayers take on and how do they become sustainable? With the project”Service open source platform“of Office of Informatics and Organization of the Canton of Bern A well-founded process has been developed so that the state can disclose its software with a clear conscience and does not become an adventure for those responsible. We were happy to do our part to bridge the gap between software development and law. We congratulate the Office of Informatics and Organization for the award in the category Best Practice.

The complex building permit process handled transparently

Anyone who has ever applied for a state building permit has been confronted with a wide variety of questions, depending on the construction project: Is the property within the construction zone? Are toxic substances stored? How are energy, water and transport connections planned? For more complex projects, the spectrum covers so many specialist areas that even experienced architects and planners do not have an immediate answer to every question. With the project”Caluma“Has the Adfinis SyGroup AG developed a solution that allows even very complex forms to be implemented electronically and which allows the client to work out the same electronic application together with the various project participants commissioned by it. After the application has been submitted, the review and discussion with the responsible specialist bodies will also take place electronically. Caluma is used in the canton of Schwyz and in the canton of Bern to implement the electronic building permit process and is already productive in both cantons. linkyard ensures technical project management and part of business engineering in both cantonal projects. We congratulate Adfinis SyGroup for the award.