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HERMES 2022 - What do you need to know?

Jérôme Galeuchet has been a member of the ECH specialist group HERMES, HERMES 2022 Advanced certified since 2013 and has decades of experience as a project manager. In this interview, he comments on the most important changes to HERMES 2022 and gives advice on how to implement them.

What is HERMES?

Jérôme, you have gained a lot of experience with project management over the course of your career and often work in administration. Can you briefly explain what HERMES is?

HERMES is basically a project management method developed by the Swiss Confederation. There is a new HERMES version every seven to eight years. HERMES has now replaced the previous HERMES 5 in 2022.

HERMES serves as a project management tool for managing, managing and implementing all types of projects. In addition to IT projects, which are the norm, HERMES also cannot implement IT projects such as the integration of new products or even reorganizations.

Project Management Method - The Key to Success

Why is it important to use project management methods?

In the past, a majority of projects were not successfully implemented. The use of a project management method massively increases the probability of successful implementation.

HERMES 2022 offers many tools that support the success of a project. Using HERMES makes a project appear well-structured right from the start. The procedure for implementation is clear from the start. There are role descriptions, defined delivery results and the distribution of tasks is ready.

HERMES in a new guise

What are the most important changes to HERMES 2022?

I would like to mention the two most important amendments.

First, with HERMES 2022, the focus is now more on the user. Second, HERMES 2022 now enables an adaptive approach. It remains possible to carry out projects in a classic way, as is known from HERMES. With version 2022, however, it is now possible to process projects in an agile way. There is both the variant of completely agile project management and a hybrid approach, which uses classic and agile project management as a mix. In my opinion, it is important today that this flexibility is guaranteed when implementing projects.

HERMES 2022 in practice

How do you rate these changes and what will actually change in practice?

I really appreciate these changes, especially when it comes to agility. The reason for this is that the world in which we live is constantly changing and I consider it very important that a project management method like HERMES takes this reality into account.

Implementation of HERMES 2022

Where do you see the biggest challenge in implementing HERMES 2022? Will there be any difficulties?

The biggest challenge is certainly the combination of traditional and agile approaches. Good and clear communication is therefore required. It must be clearly defined in which cases which methods are used. Profound training for all parties involved is also essential.

Integrating the project management method into the organization can also be a difficulty. Architecture and controlling topics typically represent barriers to integration. The question must be answered as to how these topics can be intelligently integrated with HERMES.

Personal experiences

What experiences have you already had with HERMES 2022?

I was already involved in the pilot test, as well as in the first pilot project. The experiences have been very positive. I'm already seeing the first added value of HERMES 2022.

Switch to HERMES 2022

What would you like to tell the people who are now switching to HERMES 2022?

HERMES 2022 is definitely a change that brings with it certain challenges. But at the same time, it is also an opportunity for improvement. I recommend that the people responsible really take time to familiarize themselves with the topic and let them share the experiences of others in their networks.