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Owed to innovation: IT service management in transition

Digital transformation requires more agility within the company. IT in particular is changing from service provider to innovation driver. With the challenges of modern IT and the associated trends such as DevOps, IoT, big data, micro-services and multi-cloud environments, long-established procedures, process and method standards such as the IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) rules seem to be outdated.

But in the digitization environment, in which all organizational units in the so-called VUCA world (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity) must constantly reinvent themselves and react to new challenges, clearly defined processes are essential. IT Service Management (ITSM) in particular makes an important contribution to modern IT in this regard. Although the ITSM system landscape is also changing and is increasingly moving away from rigid ticketing software towards a low-code-based business process ecosystem, it forms the foundation of a functioning IT. The ITIL framework continues to support these processes.

Organizations often assume that they must choose between agility and stability and that these two conditions are in conflict with each other. To support organizational agility, the company needs stability. One of these aspects that gives a company stability is ITSM. Against the background of agility, classic ITSM must be developed into an ESM (enterprise service management) so that processes and tools can be extended to the entire customer service.

With our experience in responsive ITSM, we provide comprehensive customer service that is optimally tailored to the needs of end users and is fully integrated into the system landscape. To achieve modern IT service management, we recommend the following steps:

  1. Careful stakeholder management to meet needs and focus on the customer
  2. Use user-centered methods such as customer journey mapping
  3. Using data and using it sensibly, because only with data-driven ITSM can early indicators of problems be identified in good time and addressed proactively.
  4. Provide a chat-based exchange to enable two-way and fluid communication that actively picks up and involves the user when solving problems.
  5. Choose the right ITSM and ticketing tool and fully integrate the front and backend with the relevant peripheral systems so that interaction with the user takes place fluently, transparently, process-oriented and without media breaks.

As an expert in the areas of ITSM, collaboration, integration, development, ICT consulting and project management, Linkyard accompanies you through all stages of digitization, from interactive customer portals and process control to classic automation and system integration to the processing and analysis of real-time data and the application of machine learning. As an Atlassian Gold Partner, we provide a range of tools that can be configured for every company and serves as an excellent technical basis for modern IT service management.

You can find out more about ITSM here!