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Bell of Success and Knowledge

Having your own experiences and celebrating successes is good, but sharing them with others is even better. This is the only way for everyone to benefit from this and create synergies.

Hmm, ring a bell? Isn't that a bit old-school? The symbol, yes, but not what's behind it.
At Linkyard, we are firmly convinced that not only successes but also failures should be celebrated.
That is why we created the “Bell of Success and Knowledge” link card. In addition to the physical bell in our office, successes and learnings are shared in the Slack channel of the same name.

What happens when the bell rings?

Once a month, we all get together in the office and share the experiences we've had with each other. These gatherings are rounded off by working together to toast the successes and new knowledge.

During the lockdown, we held the gathering with an aperitif virtually. In addition, we all received a small aperitif package with everything you need for a good aperitif.

What is needed for such a culture

Above all, mutual trust within the entire company forms the basis for our culture. Everyone should have their own experiences without being constantly watched or every step monitored.

We only see mistakes as such if you do not learn anything from them or do not draw any consequences for yourself or your company. Of course, this does not mean that you should provoke them, but rather that everyone is given the freedom to try out new things and learn from them.

Working with OKRs (Objective Key Results) collecting such experiences. The purpose of the OKRs is for each employee to set their own goals for each quarter, which they enjoy getting up and working for in the morning. At the same time, these goals are not only on an individual level, but also harmonize with the “Company Objectives.” The OKRs are therefore not only motivating, but also serve to measure goals.

This ritual has now become firmly established in our culture and is not only perceived as an arduous meeting, but is also a joint event with an exchange of knowledge, good conversations and a delicious aperitif.