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Attractive managed service offerings for high requirements

As a growing company with interdisciplinary and location-based teams, you depend on efficient and functioning collaboration tools. Any performance or availability issue results in unintended productivity losses. That's where the high-availability data center comes in to minimize downtime. We offer customers with complex integration requirements and high compliance requirements fast and professional support from highly qualified employees for their hosting.

It is particularly important to us that we map the complete life cycle of your specific use case:


Our hosting meets the highest industry requirements with data center locations in the EU or Switzerland. With our proven deployment process, we can provide environments within a very short period of time and identify potential problems at an early stage thanks to comprehensive monitoring.

The data centers and our information security management are ISO 27001:2013 certified. Thanks to FINMA RS 3/2018 compliance, we are able to provide our hosting services to well-known Swiss banks.


Our support team will usually respond to your request within a few hours. We are repeatedly praised by our customers for our lightning-fast and competent support. The inquiries are not laboriously forwarded, but resolved directly via chat or support portal.

Migrations & integrations

As a system integrator, we want to use possible synergies and optimally connect your systems together so that annoying redundancies are eliminated. We are also happy to assist you with any migrations away from the old system to the new system.

Project Management & Customization

Our goal is to tailor your environments perfectly to your use case. Our certified consultants & engineers have extensive know-how in the areas of IT consulting, project management, DevOps or strategy - regardless of whether a new business case or a complex expansion of your ecosystem is on the table.

With the linkyard.cloud We can offer you attractive data centers at the best conditions. Just contact us via chat, Email or Make a non-binding appointment via Calendly with us.