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Managing with OKR

In this training, the basic concepts, best practices, as well as stumbling blocks when introducing this employee and goal management method are outlined.
Course dates
Managing with OKR
To the registration

What you will learn

This webinar is aimed at all new employees of an organization who want to reuse OKRs in their day-to-day work and want to get an insight into the basic concepts.

  • History and origin
  • Method overview
  • Best Practices
  • Stumbling blocks during the introduction

In addition, the training should provide space for clarifying questions.

The language for this training is German, the duration is limited to 60' and an unlimited number of participants can participate.

Repetition: This format is regularly offered twice a calendar year or is carried out on request.


200.- per participant. company offers on request


Marcel Hostettler

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"a compact, customized and interactive training on all core concepts "

Niklaus Hählen
Product Manager & Member of the Executive Board

"precise, efficient and fast implementation with great expertise"

Magali Stritzelberger,
Senior Payroll Consultant